Friday, October 20, 2006

ATEC Showcase This Saturday!

Don't miss the ATEC Showcase Saturday night @ 7. We'll have a sneak preview of our island in Second Life. Thanks to Russell, Christi, Steve, and Jeff for their tireless work! We'll have a full opening next month.

UTD ATEC Showcase

details here

EMAC Site & You Tube Group

Here's the new EMAC site - ugly right now but there will be lots of posts, updates, news, student content, etc.

And here's a YouTube Group - so be sure to join and add your videos here if you are doing such things!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Watching Watching

Would some people rather watch two guys watch a sitcom on YouTube than watch the sitcom itself? Sure looks like it. Check out the stats.

YouTube Founders Say Thanks for the Billion.

Wow... all I can say is... Wow...

If this doesn't fill you with confidence then, well, I don't know...

An Unholy Alliance

This from Doc Searls:
Right now this tide shift isn't a smooth thing. In fact, it's a fight. That fight is between independence and dependence; between liberty and slavery; between free markets and your-choice-of-silo; between what you want to do and what Apple or Microsoft or Intel or Real or Google will let you do.

It's a fight between those who value music, artwork, video and writing, and those who wish to reduce all those goods to the container cargo they call "content".
It's a fight that has the The Net and its founding values on one side. On the other side is an unholy alliance between the "content" industries, Consumer Electronics and the carriers who still think the Internet is about delivering industrial goods in packeted forms to our TVs, desktops and MP3 players.
It's a fight between two overlapping circles in a Venn diagram. The larger circle is The Net: an open noncommercial environment that supports countless commercial markets, including the one for Consumer Electronics goods. The smaller circle is the unholy alliance that thinks its circle is bigger.
The Net will win, because its circle is actually the world on which the smaller circle resides--whether or not the smaller circle likes that fact.
Our job, among many others, is to break up and otherwise thwart that unholy alliance

Remember Everything Forever?

Is this a good idea? Is forgetting part of what keeps us grounded, from wallowing in shame, grief, fear, or even an overabundance of happiness (let me know if this is you, I want advice ;-) Technology assisting our minds is not new, but some of it - like all technologies have the potential to do - make things worse.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Goob Me

Check out the latest GooberTV from your fellow classmates! Quite an improvement from the first - more natural, funny, etc. Imagine what the 100th episode will be like ;-)

This is a great team!

Monday, October 16, 2006

You and Me TV

Nice piece from David Carr on how a video chat trumped "Lost"

Anecdotally, I can say that our family ends up finding the remote less often. Tally up all the bereft fathers video-chatting with college-age daughters, bored teenagers making videos for other bored teenagers and geeks mashing up existing content to hilarious effect, and there is ferocious, idiosyncratic competition for consumers’ attention.

The threat isn’t new media displacing old media as much as personalization. Media has become something people make, forward, link and program.

Newspapers felt the pain of technological disruption first, when people had dial-up modems capable of transmitting modest, largely text-based data. As fatter pipes developed, music performed a jailbreak, leaving behind a maimed industry. And now, with the number of ever-faster connections spreading and the advent of the Flash player, television seems positioned as roadkill, with great big movie files soon to fall after that.

Time to Shift. Time To Time Shift. Time is Shifting...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Got any good Online World Ideas?

Here's your shot. We talk a lot around here about the next step in online worlds. Well here's a VC (venture capitalist) who is looking for pitches:

The Next Massively Entertaining Idea

The Investor: Bill Gurley, general partner, Benchmark Capital

What he's backed: Linden Lab,,

What he wants now: The next massively multiplayer online hit, whether it's built around a core game like World of Warcraft or a virtual community like Neopets. "Anything," Gurley says, "where people are entertained massively together." Benchmark has placed some big bets in the MMO sector, including Linden Lab, maker of Second Life, and Sulake, which runs Habbo Hotel, a game site geared for teens. "I think we're far from finished in this space," Gurley says. "There is a lot of room for new ideas going after different areas of interest."

Gurley will not hazard a guess on what demographic could be ripe for the next MMO hit. "These things are like catching lightning in a bottle," he says. "There's an element of game design and social curiosity that you have to get just right."

What he'll invest: $5 million for a working game or site that shows MMO growth potential. "It's so hard to predict what will take off," Gurley says, "that it's easier to pay more for something that's further along."

Send your pitch to:

This is no joke folks - there's huge opportunity in this space!

Google and World Domination

I also use it for everything. I just hope I don't come to regret it... check out this NYT article.

Google is only the latest example of a branding illusion... they seem like the nice geeks next door. The problem is, they've become wolves...

Monday, October 09, 2006

Web overtakes newspapers in Europe

The main factors affecting Internet use are age and broadband access, said the report, entitled "European Media Consumption Consumer Survey 2006".

So for example France, which has the highest rates of broadband household access, also registers the highest average hours spent online whereas Germany ranks lowest in both cases.

But Germany has the highest weekly TV consumption time at 14 hours due to widespread availability of free-to-air multi-channel TV.

The Internet has overtaken newspapers and magazines as Europeans' main source of news and feature-type information, according to a new study.

story here

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Clicking, Buying, Drinking

STEPHEN KENNY remembers being in high spirits one evening after imbibing “one martini or maybe three ” on his way home from work. He was in such a good mood, in fact, that he decided to get his girlfriend a present.

“I logged on to this luxury jewelry Web site and I bought her a pair of $1,500 earrings — or what I thought were $1,500 earrings,” said Mr. Kenny, who works at an intellectual property law firm in Burlington, Vt. “Maybe my vision was blurred or I just missed a decimal point, but they turned out to be $15,000.”

Just say no!

Rev3 is up and running

if you are into geek video - this is the new network from the Digg guys:

Friday, October 06, 2006

Google + YouTube = Love

You knew it would happen... NYT Story

Second Life is Popping

Economist Article

NYT Magazine Article

And this from Valerie:

Machinima has made it's way into prime-time!
I was watching the season premere of South Park tonight, and this time, the boys were playing World of Warcraft. About half of the show was shot using the game engine. And they did a great job of it. The voices were sincing up quite well with the avatars within the game. None of the videos have popped up on the web yet, since the episode just aired, but I found a video that has been hiding in the Blizzard website promoting the episode.

watch the video

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Game Dev Weekend

from Tony Tyler, ATEC Visiting Assistant Professor and faculty sponsor for the Arts and Technology Student Association (ATSA):

Hi everyone.

As the faculty sponsor for the Arts and Technology Student Association (ATSA), I cordially invite you and your students to join our members to the first, ever, ATSA Game Development Weekend.

1. Labs will be open from 10/13/06 at 12:00 p.m. until 10/15/06 at 12:00 a.m. That's 60+ hours of open lab. So even if students don't want to participate, they have a lot of lab time open.

2. No experience is required. No set length of time is required. Everyone is welcome. Everyone is needed. Thursday night, 10/12/06, at 10:00 p.m., we will have a ramp-up session for everyone who is interested.

3. Every discipline is needed, IE., Sound, 3D, Design, Programming, Film, etc.

4. The weekend will end with the ATSA meeting on Sunday night with free BBQ, and a showing off of the level.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Famous or Infamous?

... Depends on who you ask. This from an email Kaivan sent me:

After 3 hours of xml and CSS I came up with this: Guess what, the most amazing thing happened last night. My friend and I were playing last night on a server and this guy was on... I got into the chopper with him and he tried doing the glitch that I posted 20 minutes prior. He crashed and was unsuccessful. I told him where he saw that glitch and he needs to go to to learn how to do it and he said he saw it on ITCHYPANTS on ...

We told him that we were itchypants and he was shocked as we were. We couldn't believe that we ran into someone who knew who we were. He told us that we were celebs on for BF2 that the explanations help. He was also telling me how funny some parts were and that we were awesome. hahah My friend and I were completely in shock that we ran into someone who knew who we were and actually appreciated what we do.

I think that woke my friend up because now he wants access to the blog so he could add stuff to it too. hahaha. You might be right about the whole celeb thing. I never thought it would actually work.

I have over 9000 views on youtube and only 155 on my blog. The first reason why I redesigned my blog is that I read that a redesign will help traffic. Second reason is that I didn't like the crappy templates they had. I want to somehow bring the viewers to my blog so on this last video I slapped my logo and site on a title screen on the video so if anyone links it they will see the blog. Do you know of any Gaming Blogs?

Help him out folks...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Blogging as Venting

With all the discussion about blogging as a tool that will reap financial rewards, I thought I'd send this along. Personal web publishing can also be about sharing with people of like mind who are engaged in struggles similar to your own.

The Onyx Project

...a small independent film made for computer viewing aspires to blend serious cinematic storytelling with the popular shuffle feature in iPods and other music players. The film, “The Onyx Project,” is meant to be an experiment in nonlinear storytelling for the digital age.

More from the NYT

Sunday, October 01, 2006

MySpace Rules Online Video

According to a new video report that comScore Media Metrix will begin offering starting Tuesday morning, 37.4 million unique individuals watched a video on MySpace in July. All told, they collectively watched 1.4 billion videos.
By comparison, the audience on Yahoo watched 812 million video streams, making Yahoo the No. 2 most popular video site as measured by video streams. Yahoo ranks No. 1 as measured by unique streamers (similar to unique visitors), but barely beats out MySpace.

YouTube ranks No. 3, having generated 649 million video streams in July.
So dominant is MySpace that it accounts for 20% of the 7.2 billion video streams across the Web. Not bad, considering that MySpace launched its video service not even six months ago. And, not bad considering that video is the new frontier, accounting for roughly 2% of online advertising.

Just to be clear, there is no double counting, according to comScore. MySpace’s figures do not include YouTube videos viewed on MySpace. The views are only of the site’s own videos viewed either on their property or embedded across the Web on blogs or on distribution partners. So, YouTube’s 649 million video streams count the videos viewed on YouTube as well as blogs that might have embedded a YouTube video.

Rounding out the top 10 most popular video sites were Time Warner , which came in at No. 4, with 258 million streams. ROO Group which is a video syndication company with such shows as Alpha Mom TV, generated 186 million video streams.
Microsoft followed ROO, with 156 million videos streamed. Microsoft sites include and Following Microsoft was Viacom.
And, near the bottom of the top 10 video sites was Google .

Another interesting stat to note is that 3 out of 5 Internet users are watching online videos, typically twice a day.
On MySpace, its audience on average watches 39 videos a month, or just over 1 times a day.